The AUD is just about to reach parity with the USD. Followers of the currency price action might have reflected on the trends in the other currency. In this era of currency realignment, you might be thinking that the prospects for a strong USD will mean a weak AUD. I would challenge this point of view. In the short term, I would not be surprised to see the AUD find resistance at parity, but I do believe that we are looking at a stronger AUD currency in the future as a result of currency (i.e. economic) relativism. Yep, economic relativism is about debasing your currency faster than the competition. Countries like Australia have relatively hard currencies in these periods, so we can expect a sustained strong currency. I don't expect significant weakness in China. It will happily keep prospering along for decades to come. So long as there is a high household debt in Australia, we can expect measured increases in interest rates, but also a great deal of sensitivity to those rises. We will not be able to afford interest rate increases...so expect a strong currency. That is alright....all other commodity based currencies will be strong as well, so expect stronger commodity prices across the board.
I actually am expecting to see the AUD reach $1.15-1.20 in the next few years.
-------------------------------------------Andrew Sheldon www.sheldonthinks.com
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