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Thursday 10 January 2008

A Winning Forex Trading Philosophy

Thursday 10 January 2008
I'm starting to believe that being successful trading Forex has more to do with your philosophy than anything else.You cannot trade based on how much money you want to make. You cannot trade based on how much money you need to make. This means that you can't push money into the market, desperately searching for opportunity, risking a large portion of your net asset value in the process.You must

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Wednesday 9 January 2008

Forex Gridding Strategy

Wednesday 9 January 2008
Okay, I'm pretty much sold on this idea. Here are some advantages to gridding the AUDJPY on the upside:Each purchase represents a carry position while waiting for it to become profitable.Extremely limited downside risk when set up properly.Excellent earning potential in choppy market conditions.Using my nano-account here is what I set up last night. Place a limit order for NNN units every 2

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Regret Will Kill Your Forex Account

OK, so you just pulled the trigger on a trade and every bone in your body told you not to. You violated the rules dictated in your trade plan and you watched a small profit immediately turn into a major loss.

Sound familiar? What do you do?

You get over it, that’s what you do! Regret over a bad trade will eat your account from the inside out. Regret is a more powerful emotion than most traders recognize. It is like the unwanted guest that keeps living off of your bank account until there is no more left. It takes most traders into a tailspin that they will never recover. It can lead to dangerous psychological results such as failure to pull the trigger over even worse, paralysis by analysis.

“Yeah, but…” (I will save the disempowerment of this statement for another day)

It’s not easy putting those emotions aside when your money is on the line. That’s why they called it trading, folks. In Forex someone is on the other side of the trade controlling their emotions and eventually controlling your account balance. If you want to find consistency you must never let regret live in your trading experience.

Here’s what I do to combat this debilitating emotion … I get over it! How do I do this? I simply perform a post mortem of my bad trades (I still have them every now and then) and keep a detailed journal. Over time I began to recognize my personal triggers and simply tweaked my trade plan to be a more proactive currency trader and avoid the situations that led to the bad trade in the first place, in my instance over-trading or being tired.

What trader do I model my approach after? The answer may surprise you!

The answer is Tiger Woods.

I play golf, so you could imagine I am a huge fan of Tiger Woods. There are a lot of similarities between golf and trading. Both venues offer a look at who we are as a person, raw and uncensored. Both live in the world of risk and reward.

I admire Tiger Woods skill as a golfer, but even more so his mental toughness. Next time you watch Tiger Wood hit a bad shot follow his reaction. His immediate reaction is to get upset, really upset. Then count 5 seconds. His expressions and demeanor will have returned to one of focus and concentration.

And the funny thing is that is doesn’t matter what kind of prize money is online. He takes the same approach to every golf shot, in every tournament.

Let’s translate that to trading. Do you give yourself 5 seconds to get over a bad trade? Do you take the same approach to every trade?

Stop living in the world of regret and only think about the possibilities of wining trades and you will find your experiences trading the Forex market one filled with achievement and success.

Happy Trading!!


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Tuesday 8 January 2008

AUDJPY Stop Losses Hit

Tuesday 8 January 2008
Well, positions entered overnight and this morning have now been stopped out. We are approaching the SMA-50 (simple moving average over fifty measurements) at approximately 96.37 and we are likely to enter a buying zone soon.Obviously, the risk is that it won't bounce, or worse, that it will bounce, give us false confidence, and then fall like a rock.In any case, I'll be taking small chunks with

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Monday 7 January 2008

AUDJPY Bounce?

Monday 7 January 2008
Well, it looks like it is going to bounce up. On the chart below you can see the AUDJPY dropped to touch the SMA (simple moving average) around 97.75 about the time I posted about being stopped out.Since I was taken out of several positions, I did sneak another one back in and I do still have a few that are still underwater.Whether or not it will mean anything, the 1hr chart is showing a nice

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Crowing Too Soon?

I have now been stopped out of my AUDJPY positions (see previous post).Now, will it continue to go down, and make me happy, or will it reverse and drive upwards now that it has shaken me off?Profits in the Forex are a truly wily game.

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AUDJPY At 100 Pips

So, if you followed the advice in my last post you'd be sitting pretty with some AUDJPY carry trades profitable to the tune of 100 pips.So, while I'm sitting on a nano-account, if things continue to go up I'll be able to accumulate more and more position at very little risk. Why? Because all of my positive positions have a stop loss set at a point that ensures that I cannot lose money on those

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Commodity based currencies in play

It is in times like these that you want to be trading the commodity based currencies. Why? Because markets are undergoing a change in perceptions - they are adjusting their growth & inflation forecasts. No currencies in these circumstances are better than the A$ - against the USD of course since commodity prices are based in USD. Looking at the charts:
1. AUD-USD: Its apparent from http://finance.yahoo.com/q/bc?s=AUDUSD=X&t=5y&l=on&z=m&q=l&c= that the AUD is at the base of an uptrend. You might legitimately ask - if this the end of the uptrend? I suspect it is not for this reason - base metals are still relatively strong and gold is getting stronger. Indistrial commodities like iron ore and coal are priced on the basis of 1 year annual contracts - those are currently being renegotiated. We might expect some weakness in iron ore & coal, but not alot. But expect delays settling. Looking at a short term price chart, and they are not the best charts, but they are the best I can do on the road - http://finance.yahoo.com/q/bc?s=AUDUSD=X&t=2y&l=on&z=m&q=l&c=. Here we can see that 0.79c looks like the best support for the AUD.
2. CAN-USD: The Canadian dollar is actually fairing alot better than the Australian dollar. The reason for that might be the fact that Canada exports alot of oil to the USA, though Australia also has some advantages. Australia is a bigger gold exporter, and Canada more reliant on base metals. Having said that Australia I think is poorly positioned to retain its status as a large gold producer. The bulk of exploration is moving offshore. The stark reality is that Australian explorers are seeing icey Greenland as more attractive than Australia. It must be a short mining season.... and I would hate to be carrying their heating bill. Pity the investors in that new float. Looking at the 5yr chart - we can see http://finance.yahoo.com/currency/convert?from=CAD&to=USD&amt=1&t=5y that the CAN$ is off its recent highs as oil prices got close to $US100/barrel. Recently they found support at USD parity ($1) http://finance.yahoo.com/currency/convert?from=CAD&to=USD&amt=1&t=1y, and it seems likely that we will see further short term strength in the CAN$, but dont count on it. Whilst oil prices might be strong, I think the broader economic outlook for bae metals will pull down the CAN$. I see weakness down to 95c support.

- Andrew Sheldon www.sheldonthinks.com

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Suddenly, It's a Bleak Midwinter for Housing and Lending

If you're wondering how the housing market collapse in the US will impact your favorite Central Banker (and interest rates), here's an interesting article to help support your fundamental Forex analysis:


Suddenly, It's a Bleak Midwinter for Housing and Lending

By Susan C. Walker, Elliott Wave International

January 7, 2008

In the bleak midwinter, Frosty wind made moan,Earth stood hard as iron, Water like a stone…(From "A Christmas Carol" by Christina Rossetti)
Shawn Colvin sings a beautiful song based on this poem by Christina Rossetti, reminding us of the bleakness of midwinter. That is exactly where the housing market seems to be now – facing its very own bleak midwinter of falling prices, rising mortgage rates and growing inventories.

The latest report of the S&P/Case-Shiller home price index shows that the price of houses fell 6.7% in October, year over year. That is the largest year-to-year decline drop since April 1991.

Think of it – if you had bought a home for $300,000 in October 2006, it is now worth about $280,000. And suppose you just got a new job and need to move? You are going to have trouble selling it at that price, too, thanks to so many foreclosed homes on the market. One realtor in Phoenix explained to a Wall Street Journal reporter that local residents are now competing with foreclosed homes selling for $50,000 to $100,000 less than other houses on the market. "The sellers now are having to reduce their prices by 20% to 30% to compete," she says. (Wall Street Journal, "Pace of Decline in Home Prices Sets a Record," 12/27/07)

At a meeting of the New York Society of Security Analysts on January 7, U.S. Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson said this about the U.S. economy: "We will likely have further indications of slower growth in the weeks and months ahead.''

Paulson and central bankers at the U.S. Federal Reserve recognize that they, too, face their own bleak financial midwinter. It's not just the mayhem brought on by the subprime mortgage debacle, the implosion of the housing market and the ensuing credit crunch; nor is it that the U.S. economy lurches toward a recession and hard times.

No, it is something bigger than that. Public opinion or social mood, as we call it here at Elliott Wave International, has shifted from positive to negative. When that happens, financial heroes find themselves falling from their pedestals onto frozen earth hard as iron.

Exhibit A - The headline of a recent article on Bloomberg: "Paulson Gets Diminishing Return with Bush, Like Powell, O'Neill" and the lead: "Henry Paulson escaped the Nixon White House with his reputation enhanced. He won't be so lucky this time around."

Exhibit B - The lead from a recent column by David Ignatius in the Washington Post:
"When airport rescue crews are worried that a damaged plane may have a crash landing, they sometimes spread the runway with foam to reduce the probability of fire on impact. That's what the Federal Reserve and other central banks are doing in pumping liquidity into severely damaged financial markets. Make no mistake: The central bankers' announcement Wednesday of a new coordinated effort to pump cash into the global financial system is a sign of their nervousness…."
Nervousness is in the air now. Investors are anxious about the markets; everyone is worried about the housing market.

Elliott Wave Financial Forecast December issue explains how housing starts (and stops) are intimately tied to recessions: "One key indicator of success in pre-dating economic downturns is housing starts, which are approaching the 1-million-a-month level that has preceded all recessions of the last 40 years."

And the Fed is nervous, too. So much so that it announced a credit giveaway with four other major central banks (the Bank of Canada, the Bank of England, the European Central Bank and the Swiss National Bank) in mid-December to try to bolster the financial system and the banks that keep it humming. The Fed reports that banks have been stepping up to its auction window each week to purchase $20 billion. Unfortunately for the banks, most of this "liquidity" isn't that liquid. It has to be paid back within 30 days, with interest of about 4.65%.

Editor's note: Elliott Wave International has agreed to make available to our readers a 2-1/2-page excerpt from Bob Prechter's
Elliott Wave Theorist in which he describes exactly how the Fed's latest effort to shore up banks' balance sheets has become "High Noon for the Fed's Credibility." Click here to read the Theorist excerpt.

Just how bleak is the future for central bankers if this recently implemented plan doesn't work? Bob Prechter explains in his just-published Theorist:

"Nevertheless, this is probably the single most important central-bank pronouncement yet. But it is not significant for the reasons people think. By far most people take such pronouncements at face value, presume that what the authorities promise will happen and reason from there. But the tremendous significance of this seismic engagement of the monetary jawbone is that if this announcement fails to restore confidence, central bankers' credibility will evaporate."

"At least that's the way historians will play it. But of course, the true causality, as elucidated by socionomics, is that an evaporation of confidence will make the central bankers' plans fail. The outcome is predicated on psychology."

The "
socionomics" Prechter refers to is a new social science he has introduced that studies how humans behave in groups within contexts of uncertainty – where fluctuations in social mood motivate social actions. It explains that rather than an event happening that affects social mood (for example, falling home prices make people feel bad), what really happens is that social mood changes first from positive to negative and then lousy things happen (for example, unhappy people make home prices fall). If you can adopt this point of view, then you can see that, in poetic terms, we are fast approaching a bleak midwinter for the economy and the financial markets.

Susan C. Walker writes for
Elliott Wave International, a market forecasting and technical analysis company. She has been an associate editor with Inc. magazine, a newspaper writer and editor, an investor relations executive and a speechwriter for the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta. Her columns also appear regularly on FoxNews.com.


Happy Trading!!


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AUDJPY Carry Loading Time?

Well, it's always impossible to call a bottom, but given the amount of downturn recently, it might be time to start loading up on a bit of AUDJPY.For example, you could enter some minor positions right after you witness some support after a little bit of free fall. Whether or not it's a bottom does not matter as long as you are investing small enough quantities with a plan to hold on long enough

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