When I was growing up in my native New England, USA, my parents, like all parents of my generation, focused on the value of obtaining a college education, transitioning into a "good" job and retiring to a comfortable pension. So I went to school, got good grades and transitioned into a that "good" job. Then something happened, something my parents never prepared me for; I was climbing the corporate ladder and realized that my ladder was against the wrong wall! The economy crumbled and even though I was never downsized, I watched friend after friend get told their services were no longer needed. I listened while my friends struggled to come to grips with the anxiety layoffs create, the decision about work and family, and even more important the psychological damage that was being done as my friends discussed their options. This caused me to pause and reflect.
Do we have any control over our futures? That was the question. I came to the conclusion that working for others was turning over the power to control the outcome of our lives to our corporate managers. As glamorous as having a nice career seemed, we were essentially trading hours for dollars and in reality had only minor control over our future. It was then that I realized that I was never satisfied with my career, because in this Information Age we have less control over the outcome of our careers. Change was happening rapidly and it was time to take action. We needed to leverage ourselves or we were going to be leveraged by someone else! The world our parents lived in no longer existed. Pensions are dwindling, 401K's are only a partial solution and no one is training the personal financial skills that are going to be required to flourish in a global economy. That is when I decided to begin replacing my earned income with business and passive income. I decided to exploit 5 wealth vehicles to allow myself to re-gain that control and provide a degree of freedom for myself and my family. Trading currencies is on top of this list.
This blog will take you with me on my journey in leveraging the forex market. The forex market offers great leverage and opportunity to to succeed in any market conditions. There are countless sites that can explore the technical side of the forex market. However, this blog will share the softer side, the side that I have found that few people talk about in great depth, but have the greatest impact on your journey in becoming a successful trader, the mental and educational aspects of currency trading. I screen and publish the information I receive on FX TRADE CENTRAL. You can always email me direct!!!
Join me as my co-pilot in our journey to forex trading success!