You might have expected a Clinton-like response from Obama on policy. But given the capacity of higher interest rates to undermine the housing sector, you can expect taxes on energy and the wealthy.
There is a meeting of countries in Copenhagen in Oct'09. I think that they will conclude that an agreement on Climate Change is too hard, so why don't we just tax energy heavily, reduce our reliance on the Middle East, raise a lot of money from discretionary spenders, give food vouchers to the poor, and just think deep thoughts about climate change. It was always only a facade to bring in a more comprehensive energy tax. Goerge was against it since it would have undermined his share price for Halliburton, but Obama fear not for the environment. That ought to raise a lot of tax as well, and I think America just might see a 'green is good' religious conversion as well. I am expecting they will annoint a 'green god' in the likeness of Obama.
Andrew Sheldon
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