The Australian (AUD) and New Zealand dollars (NZD) have recovered against the USD from their lows over the last week. There is more upside, but I would not expect it to last. There is really no basis for celebration in the coming months, so I would expect a series of short term rallies. The idea that low interest rates can stimulate the NZ and Australian economies is really false advertising. Since when is the answer to excess debt more debt. We will instead see more printing money, but give it time. In the meantime, its denial.
A stronger outlook for these economies can be expected when we see a recovery in food prices. Basically the problem with these two countries is that we need to see a lot of deleveraging. So we are not going to see a lot of spending by the private sector. Expect government public works. The farm sectors will fare the best, but they are just a smart part of the economy, but they will help the external account for both economies.
The NZD and AUD are likely to consolidate for a while. The John Keys Conservative government is saying the right things so I would expect foreign markets to be supportive of his government.
-----------------------------------------------A stronger outlook for these economies can be expected when we see a recovery in food prices. Basically the problem with these two countries is that we need to see a lot of deleveraging. So we are not going to see a lot of spending by the private sector. Expect government public works. The farm sectors will fare the best, but they are just a smart part of the economy, but they will help the external account for both economies.
The NZD and AUD are likely to consolidate for a while. The John Keys Conservative government is saying the right things so I would expect foreign markets to be supportive of his government.
Andrew Sheldon
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