I actually dont forecast much variability in this cross-rate. I see both markets soft with global demand. The JPY will be strong because of the unwinding of the carry trade, but exports will be weak anyway with the US, though might hold up somewhat in Asia. So I largely see consolidation in this market. So expect range trading between JPY143-168.
The promise of reform looks stronger in Europe at the moment, but then they will struggle with their currency issues and I think a softer Japanese market could actually push reforms there long term. But first they need to find a leader with balls.
Japanese personal debt levels are not so high, so there is some possibility support in the domestic economy. But since the Japanese consumers are easily spooked, I dont see that strength for some time. We also have to remember that Japanese employees are alot more vulnerable than in the 1980s since we have seen an increase in the proportion of part-time workers. The positive side is that these are mostly students and women, so in many cases they can return home or rely on a 2nd income. Though it might mean more tired single workers, thus less spending on everything - except rail transport. So if i was to invest in equities in future, I would be inclined to invest in pure rail operators without property development interests. But we are 6mths away from that bet.
- Andrew Sheldon www.sheldonthinks.com
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